Alternative Foods

Define the future of food with innovative & sustainable solutions.

We advice on all alternative food sector value chains, product innovations, technologies & ingredients.​

Alternative Foods

Win the race to the most tasty, healthy & sustainable alternative food products

We have expertise on all major alternative food products including meat, dairy, egg, seafood, chocolate, sweetener/ sugar, honey, pet food & other food alternatives.

food’s future

Accelerate product qualities​

Pre-treated Ingredients​

Improve your bulk & specialty ingredient mix to ensure sustainable profits​

We cover all major pre-treated ingredients & process technologies for alternative food production including base milks, juices, syrups, pastes, concentrates, isolates, biomass (e.g., mycelium), cell mass (e.g., cultured fat), precision ingredients, specialty ingredients (e.g., blood, methylcellulose or bone alternatives) and more. ​

Conversion Technologies​

Build technology to produce stable product qualities in a cost-efficient way​

We have expertise on all major alternative food technologies including physical / mechanical (e.g., extraction, fractionation, extrusion, filtration, shear cell, power heater, 3D printing) and biochemical / biotechnology (e.g., traditional / biomass / precision / gas fermentation, cellular agriculture, plant molecular farming) technologies. ​

Grow to world scale

Utilize​ sustainable biomass​

Biomass Sources

Optimize your raw material mix to ensure sustainable growth & plannable costs

We cover all major biomass sources for alternative food production including agriculture products (e.g., pulses, cereals & grains, nuts, oilseeds, mushrooms), aquaculture (e.g., macro & micro algae), by-products / side-streams (e.g., food processing, agriculture & forestry residues) and CO2 (e.g., via air or point capture).

How can we help you?

Schedule a meeting with our Managing Partner Gerrit Feuerriegel or send us a message.